Reference photography from 1996
The so-called reference photos I always accompany my work. I photograph found situations from everyday life, phenomena that ask or answer questions about my sculptural work, or that express something that I am currently dealing with. How is a shape created? How is a room created? How does material behave, how does a situation change? What is the relationship between surface and shape? These objets trovées lead an important but invisible existence in my work. They stimulate me, but never lead to a direct translation into an artistic work.
Czech Republic, 1992
Munich, 2019
Munich, 2019
Munich, 2019
Theatinerkirche Munich, 2015
Construction of Oktoberfest Munich, 1997
Venice, 1992
Häberlstrasse Munich, 1996
Long Island City, NY, 2001
Yoghurt lid, Munich, 2018
Little Italy, NY, 1998
Louvre Paris, 1997
House in Görlitz, 1990
Cite des arts, Paris, 1997
Construction of Oktoberfest Munich, 1997
Motorway Munich Salzburg, 1998
Ludwigstrasse Munich, 1992
flag, NYC, 2001
House in a Dressing Gown, 2008
Munich Stachus, 2018
Munich grass grid, 2019
Theatinerhof, 1998
House in Schwabing, 2019
Munich 2019
Pasing, 2019
Nymphenburger Park, 2020
Munich Laim, 2020